Tuesday, April 15, 2008

MYTH: Mice Love Cheese

I recently posted about the myth about the moon being made of cheese. Well, I found another one for you all. ...Mice love cheese.
According to a study done by Manchester Metropolitan University psychologist Dr David Holmes, Mice do not love cheese but they prefer breakfast cereals. Well, why do I (and probably most of you) have this image in my head that the best way to catch a mouse is with a piece of cheese. The following images might answer that question.
Popular culture has painted this picture in my mind (a cartoon-looking one) of mice loving cheese. I have seen it in tons of cartoons, Tom and Jerry being my favorite, it is in children's games and even a theme to a child's play place. It is amazing how popular culture distorts reality and allows people to perceive things as true.
In this case, it really is not a big deal, unless you have actually planned to catch some mice with cheese. I like to look at it this way... Who cares if mice don't love cheese, that leaves more cheese for all of us who do!


David Murphy said...

mice... rats.... same thing. Check this out. Scientists in Japan recently taught rats how to use rakes to get at food. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBTmhbxv9QI

Anonymous said...

omg i cant believe they really don't love cheese. that sucks!

Shannon said...

Wow, I never even thought about the idea that mice don't really like cheese. I just always assumed they did. I guess that just goes to show that pop culture has such a huge impact on what we think and how we act. Its almost scary.

Tina said...

I wonder how the myth that mice loved cheese came about it? I mean it had to come from somewhere, right?