I always knew that there existed many varieties of cheese. There is American cheese, which I know because of all the turkey and cheese sandwiches I ate growing up. There is mozzarella, which I know because of pizza. I also know Parmesan because I topped by minestrone soup with it, feta thanks Greek Salads, provolone and Swiss thanks to the deli, brie thanks to French Class (which I am not so thankful for) and a few others. Apparently what I did not know was the extent to which that was true.
I went home and Google cheese varieties and got this great website which lists almost every cheese that exists. Not only that but it gives a brief description of each as well. If your interested in looking some up go to... cheese.com
You can search by type of milk used, texture, country or name. What I suggest is that you go to the "Alphabetical list of cheeses," on the right hand side, and be amazed by how many cheeses actually exist. There is way to many to count bye hand. So, I copied then pasted the list into a word document and got a line count. There are 670 different varieties of cheese. To put the list into perspective, the document was 15 pages long. Isn't that insane?!
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