Thursday, March 13, 2008


What I am about to say always makes jaws drop and people gasp, but I'm going to say it anyway. I do NOT like cheesecake. I think it is the texture that displeases me. Anyway, because the base of this desert is cheese, I felt it was worth mention.

Cheesecake, as far as I know, is a very popular desert (maybe the most popular?). It is served at large gatherings and family parties. It appears on the desert menus at chain restaurants across America. There is even one chain restaurant named for their famous desert. The Cheesecake Factory is well known for its large selection of delicious cheesecake. You can buy whole cheesecakes or or individual slices. Many people go there just for the cheesecake. I was browsing their website and found out you could order slices via internet and that there are 25 different types to choose from. I had no idea that one desert could have so many variations.

Sometimes the different flavors sound so good and the pictures look so appealing that I wish I liked cheesecake.I hope this is something I will grow to like. For now, I'll just have to enjoy the descriptions and pretty pictures.

Chocolate Mousee Cheesecake "Our smooth Chocolate Cheesecake topped with a layer of Chocolate Mousse and baked in a Chocolate Crust. Finished with Chocolate Shavings and Whipped Cream."

Caramel Pecan Turtle Cheesecake "A Caramel Fudge Swirl Cheesecake, Topped with Caramel Turtle Pecans and Chocolate all on a Pecan Brownie Crust."


Jess said...

It actually took me a long time to like cheesecake as well. I actually still do not enjoy plain cheesecake, but all those flavors actually make it so much better. I would suggest trying anything chocolate & cheesecake, its almost more moose like rather than cheesecake like in texture and taste!

Jill Palazzi said...

I went to The Cheesecake Factory this weekend..and just wanted to let you know that every piece of cheesecake they had to offer looked AMAZING. You should learn to love cheesecake. Especially if it from The Cheesecake Factory!